Thursday, April 30, 2015

Team Practice No. 2 - Welcome to the Shit Show

Not really the practice the Local 505 was looking for the week before the first bank night. The Captain stepped up to the line, called for a bird, and no boom. His SKB, aka The Ol' Whore, was silent. Something is amiss with the trigger or firing pin. Mike didn't fire a single round. The lower range speaker on station one wouldn't work. So bad it had Alex cussing and dropping birds. John had a miss fire that left a wad logged in his barrel. Jared decided to shoot from his knee (actually quite well) on station one in an attempt to get the speaker to work. Shawn - you didn't miss anything.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Team Practice No. 1. 2015

The United Clay Busters made it to the line for the first official team practice tonight. Good team mojo and great to get back on the guns.

Say hello to Jared Hook, the newest member of the Local 505. Jared and his Browning Citori will be shooting from the fourth stand this season. Thank you for signing up and welcome to the team Jared.

Thursday, April 2, 2015