Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Week 11 Report

Well, the clock continues to tick for Local 505. After a slightly above average performance last night, only one week remains in the second half of the season — meaning that a Club Shootoff for the Ultimate Champion is imminent. (Sigh.) 

Last night, we were down a couple of men. The team started off with a strong first round from the 16, but failed to get 'r done from the 24. 

Given the increasing usage rights costs of Mike's image (Top Gun talent isn't cheap), we featured only Alex in this week's "UCB'er of the Week." Both Alex and Mike led the "live shooters" with a Reggie Jackson (that's a 44, friends). 

So buckle up, gang. It's time to load up on shells, Pabst and Rolaids (not necessarily in that order). Things are about to get pretty darn interesting as the 2009 season draws to a close, with the UCB remaining in contention for "Club Champions" for the first time in its storied history.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool picture!

Alex has the same stance as Mike - freaky!