Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Week 2 Report

Week 2 came and went with a few bangs and a handful of lost birds. The UCB was hoping for a strong season on this our 5th year of shooting but so far it hasn't been the case.

Mike broke the most birds tonight so lets give him a nice round of applause.

The big story of the evening was our endurance 500 card game. Or as I heard it described from the bar "Iowa's version of Euchre." We only played one game tonight but that game ended up having 29 hands. The game lasted into Wednesday morning.

Team Harper/Krull were victorious in the end. Good game gentlemen.


Anonymous said...

Your club house is NOTHING like I had imagined. It's so normal looking. I'm stunned?

I was expecting a cross between 'the bat cave" and a "frat house".

The drapery is an unexpectedly nice surprise! It's best to draw the shades in the mid to late afternoon - to protect the furniture from sun damage. You probably knew that though : )


UCB 505 said...

I'm pondering the idea of a "Bring Your Significant Other to the Range" night this season. We need something to snap us back into our 2009 shooting form and maybe a cheering section would do the trick. A cheering section with a couple bottles of red wine no doubt.

p.s. They redid the bathrooms over the winter and some guys are even closing the door this year.

Anonymous said...

Well, lets just see how it goes once we've emptied our DVR's of all our episodes of "Grey's Anatomy", "Gossip Girl" and "The Real Housewives of New York" shall we...

Nice touch promising red wine and a closed bathroom door. What if that backfires? Have you considered the possibility that we might like it there and show up ALL the time? LOL!


UCB 505 said...

Great point TK. We are very superstitious shooters. If we shot well we would want you every week.

p.s. Not that Mike needs help but he shoots better when he eats tacos on Tuesday nights. True story.

Anonymous said...

its lookin like you guys play 500 like you aint for the significant other careful...thursdays has turned into that...they also have an all womens trap much for my night out...
ps...if you'd like a lesson in 500 sometime give me a wife would like to school you guys...

UCB 505 said...

Great advice Kevin! The UCB Local 505 is working on getting both our shooting and card skills back on track soon. Either that or we'll change our name to the United Sandbaggers of America.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kevin. This "Worlds Colliding" thing could have serious consequences. I think we all just slowly back away before anyone gets hurt.

At least until August when there is nothing on TV.

TACOS! Of course! Consider it done.

I don't know if you noticed how silent Mike has been during this conversation? LOL! I tried to convince him last night I was going to the club with him EVERY Tuesday because they have draperies now. He just laughed and said "yeah right" He's not one bit worried. I must be losing my edge?


Anonymous said...

oohh...i'm not saying its a bad thing for thursday nights...its great that my wife and some of her friends are enjoying the great sport of trap shooting...i THINK everybodies wife should do it...i'm just saying i need to get a different night out for myself...
p.s TK there's never anything good enough on TV to keep a person from going to OSC and bust some clay

Anonymous said...


I completely understand what you are saying - I just have a weird sense of humor. And I like to tease my husband who seems to really like his "guys night "as much as I like my "girls night in"

Also, TV is awesome.


Anonymous said...

i am enjoying the sense of humor as well....isnt strange how important that guy/girl night out is...we'd be happy to host a significant other night at the club....hmmm..sounds like a party...pbr and old mil...deck of cards ...a whole lotta smack talk...

UCB 505 said...


I was at the sportsmans club this morning and noticed the draperies for the very first time. In case you were wondering I believe the drapery camouflage pattern is Mossy Oak Break Up.

Anonymous said...

The drapery pattern is Mossy Oak Break Up? LOL!!

That is absolutely adorable! Perfect choice!