Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Week 11: God Bless the OSC

The UCB Local 505 couldn't ask for a nicer August night to wreak havoc on a couple hundred clay targets. Mild temps and calm winds made up for the melting pot we shot in last week. John earned the Top Gun award for week 11 and Alex was missing in action due to business travel.

Harps said enough is enough and brought out the heavy hitter this week. Lucky for him the Air Force's Predator drone wasn't flying over at the time.

Curt invited Brett, a long-time friend, out to the club and hoped he would bring him some good shooting luck. You can see by the photo that didn't pan out to well. Hope they had better luck at cards.

The sharp crack of the week 11 shotguns marked the end of the season for John and Curt as they will be traveling on business next week. This blogger is feeling very sentimental on closing down another season. Here's to seven great seasons of trap shooting and God bless the Oregon Sportsman's Club.


Anonymous said...

since you'll be down a few good men next thurs...do you need someone to help with your pace??..maybe an old milwaukee or 4 afterwards...and some "500"...always looking to help out...

Anonymous said...

You'll be contacted by a Local 505 rep if your services are required.

Will there be a wobble league this fall? If so count me in. I have your UCB clock that i'll run out to the club on Thursday night. What time do you shoot?

Anonymous said...

we don't shoot til 8:30 i believe...i'll try try do some sort of league..and remember sporting clays this weekend last one of the year