Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Week 11 - Sharpening the Swords

The Local 505 had a great night on the line in Week 11 as they started to shoot in championship form once again. Alex and Mike were co-Top Guns this week but the entire team posted solid scores. Curt was MIA as he was taking care of a little business.

The UCB Local 505 is considering implementing a dress code in 2013 after Alex wore his "Party Pants" to the club. Alex has really pushed the limits of trap line fashion this season. Scroll back to Tuesday, June 19, 2012: Week 4 – The Fashion Recall article.

With one week left to shoot in the AA Second Half Championship Chase, Stu's Sports Products team leads the S/S Boys by six birds. Our shoot off opponent will be determined next Monday night.

Harps brought his AA game to the club in Week 11. Shawn and his shiny Beretta kicked ass and took no prisoners as he posted his highest non-bank score of the season. 


Anonymous said...

That is an awesome picture of Harps! Nice Job!


Anonymous said...

i'm going to try to make it out to watch the 505 on tuesday...see how its really done...

Anonymous said...

Don't waste your time KMH. There will only be two shooters this week. Mike, Alex and Curt are out on business travel.