Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Week 5 - DENIED!

Heavy rains overwhelmed the sump pump in the lower trap house. The rising water flooded the trap machine and needless to say our fun was over before it began.

The Local 505 waiting in the on-deck circle.

Mother Nature isn't done yet. Rain is in forecast for the next five days.


Anonymous said...

whadda bunch o' lil girls...pull up your skirts and shoot some birds...can't believe a little water would/could stop the 505....WTF


Anonymous said...

It wasn't the water that stopped us son. The thrower would only toss a bird every 15 seconds after pushing the button 11 times.

p.s. Why did you guys put big numbers on the back of your trap shirts?? The only way you can remember where to line up?? Sorta looks like the short bus shooters. LOL