Monday, August 26, 2013


After 15 weeks of shooting over 3,750 rounds of ammunition the United Clay Busters of America have been crowned the top dogs at the Oregon Sportsman's Club. It only took nine years and finishing runner up in 2009 and 2012 for the Local 505 to finally pull off a championship. Great season Mike, John, Shawn, Jeff and Alex. Huzzah!

The Sport Products team won the first six weeks title and the Local 505 won the second six week title. This lead to a shoot off and great camaraderie between the two teams. Sport Products won the coin flip and choose to shoot first. Stu Cameron lead all shooters and showed everyone how it's done. Congrats Steve, Ron, Stu, Bob and Bryan on another great season. See you next year.

 Special thanks to Kevin for being the official scorekeeper of the Class AA shoot off.  Job well done KMH.


Anonymous said...

nice job fellas...just so ya know it puts a very large target on your back for next year...sig-cor boys will be gunnin' for ya...


Anonymous said...

Next year will be bigger than ever. Just think UCB 10th Anniversary, Back-To-Back Championship Run and a Delicious Hog Roast with all the fixing.