Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Week Two: Meat Left on the Bone

The Local 505 shot a solid team score but are confident they can sharpen their aim. John was the Week Two Top Gun. #BigBoyPants

Alex is all smiles because he just shot two fantastic rounds of trap. He really helped the team average tonight and special thanks for the tasty suds Mr. Schmalz.

Mike penciling in hits and misses for team JC Electric.

The renovations to the club are so nice. This is how we roll folks.


Anonymous said...

well....c'mon what were the scores...all the "fities" that have been shot in the last few weeks...then no totals this week...hmmm must notta been good...


Anonymous said...

215 team score. John was Top Gun with a 48. Alex smoked a 47. Better put on your Big Boy Pants Thursday night KMH!